Designer Accessories...Salvatore Ferragamo


Happy (late) birthday too me! Happy (late) birthday too me!

I say this because this belt was a birthday gift, but the right size had to be ordered and re ordered which took a couple weeks, but I finally got it and I'm finally doing a blog post on it.

I am so excited you guys, I've had my belt for like a week now and I'm obsessed with it.

Since I love trends, you know I have been dying to have the Gucci belt everyone loves and raves about, but I got something a little better I think.

I like to stand out a little and not be too on point with trends because I don't want to be the same as everyone else honestly so this fits my stride a little better. That being said there are a couple reasons why I would actually recommend this belt over the Gucci one.

Knowing we all love Gucci and half the time just want it because of the name, there are other brands out there that can be better.

This belt is one of those times.

So the reversible Gucci belt is about 550$ USD and it's only reversible to black and brown.

Whereas the Ferragamo belt is reversible in tons of colors. The one I got is black on one side and Pink on the other!! Ahhh. So cool right! Plus, the reversible Ferragamo one is 440$ full price but they actually go on sale sometimes unlike the Gucci one that seems to never go on sale.

The other super cool feature of the Ferragamo belt is the way it fastens. When you fasten the belt it hides the tail, by flowing into the inside unlike all belts that are on the outside. Now this might be a little hard to picture, so I'll be sure to add a photo of me wearing it so you can see what I mean and so you can see how amazing this is. I don't understand why all belts aren't like this

Another perk of this belt is once your band wears out or you just want another color, you can purchase just the leather part of the belt and use your original buckle. It's really easy to take off to reverse the colors or to change out the leather itself!

I absolutely love this belt you guys. I got an extra hole punched in it so I can wear it with dresses up on my waist as well as on my hips with jeans. It's totally worth checking out and waiting for a sale, because they actually do have sales and thats how we got mine, because 440$ for a belt is insane.


