about me
Hi! I'm Zoey.
A redhead from the PNW, a New Yorker at heart, and living in Krakow Poland.
I started this blog a couple years ago in hopes to show my love for easy, stylish, every day outfits. I debated entering the blogging world for awhile and never did until while getting dressed one day, I thought to myself, "I dress stylish and talk about fashion everyday anyways, so why don't I write about it?"
I started blogging about anything and everything I wore. The thing is, I like to wear anything. Designer. Consignment. You name it. To me, fashion is all about putting together a stylish look rather than just caring about the brands. From living in the desert, to living by the beach and now the urban city, I talk about all kinds of fashion.
The blog gives me the confidence to wear whatever I want because it makes me feel good (even though I'm always sort of a mess) and I hope it inspires you to do the same!
On that note, thank you so much for being here & following all things
Dark & Bitter.