Halloweekend 🎃👻


Happy Halloween everyone!  I hope y’all had a good time celebrating this halloweekend and I that you had a great time on Halloween too!! 

I know I sure did. We had some family come into town and party with us for a few days. My weekend was filled with good times. 

But let’s talk about my wig. That’s really what this blog post is about isn’t it?! 

So for Halloween I really wanted to be something a little creepy... I know mine didn’t really turn out creepy... but that’s what I was going for. I went into a wig shop about a month ago just to take a look and get some ideas and I left with this wig. I can actually wear it like its my real hair. When I tried on this wig, I thought to myself  "I have to have it and make my costume surround this". So that’s what I did. I went with the fortune teller costume. Hopefully it was a little earie and sort of mysterious since it wasn’t as creepy as I had hoped. 

More about the wig. I got it at US Wigs here in Vegas. Unfortunately, they don’t have their wigs online for me to tag the link to this wig specifically. Also, the brand doesn’t have the wig on their website either. So, I’m going to tag a few similar ones below from a different website but a friend of mine uses this brand and hers are fabulous: 

  •  This one is so similar to mine. 
  • A shorter version. 
  • This one is similar to mine but darker 

I learned a lot about wigs while getting mine actually. Like I said, mibe looks pretty real and that’s because it is a lace front wig. (So I’ve learned). Lace front wigs are made different than basic cap wigs kinda like costume wigs, meaning their better quality. They’re still not the best kind but they’re pretty affordable considering how amazing they look. 

So more about the lace front. They help create the allusion that the hairline is natural. I still had to use a little makeup on my scalp and hairline to make it look more realistic. But even with out blending it looks pretty damn good. Lace front wigs have hand tied hairs in the front lace part but not the whole wig and they typically allow for more styling capability. Like mine, it can be parted wherever I want because of the lace front. 

Oh and I’m not sure if all lace front wigs are like this but, mine is heat safe so I can touch up the curls or straighten it with a curling iron/straightener. 

Now about my outfit.

My turban is from amazon. I love it and I will most likely wear it again. My skirt which I have worn a few times before the party, is from H&M. (And of course they’re out of it right now but I tagged H&M anyways because I love shopping there!) I know Halloween is over but that’s my personal hack for Halloween. I either make, as in sew my costume like I did with my pretty woman dress, or I buy clothes I would most likely wear again so I’m not just buying a costume. And my shirt was from Hotties World here in Vegas. So again their website doesn’t have shopping online since they’re a small business but they have a few locations around Vegas. All my jewelry was either mine, like all my rings, but the skeleton choker, the septum and the hand jewelry was from hottie also. 

And since everyone who’s everyone has asked me who did my makeup... I did it. All by myself. The third eye a s mostly just paint thanks to my cousin Audrey. 

This is probably the only post I’ll do about this wig. But I will wear it out in public again because it is just such a fun feeling to change your hair so drastically like that and have strangers just assume it’s real. 

If you want a wig to wear in your daily life, I say do it. Get yourself a lace front synthetic wig and rock it. It’s a fun change and even though you might feel weird about it, people will believe it’s natural. Changing up your look with our actually changing it is pretty fun. 
